Unlocking the Power of Topical Methylene Blue: A Deep Dive into Mitochondrial Skin Health

Unlocking the Power of Topical Methylene Blue: A Deep Dive into Mitochondrial Skin Health

Methylene Blue (MB) was first discovered and used as a dye in the textile industry and has long been used for biological staining in histology, bacteriology, and hematology. Because of its unique properties it was the first synthetic drug used in medicine, having been used to treat malaria more than one century ago.

In the realm of Skincare, Methylene Blue has found a relatively new application.

Let's take a look at how MB can stop the clock & reverse aging.

MB Promotes Clean Energy Production In Cells

Mitochondria are the power houses of our cells and MB can reroute electrons in the mitochondrial electron transfer chain directly to promote cleaner mitochondrial activity (energy!) while mitigating oxidative stress and inflammation.

What Causes Skin Aging?

The fundamental causes of skin are:

  • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aging

Intrinsic aging happens over time. This type of aging is inevitable because it occurs naturally in the body and is influenced by the effects of free radicals and hormones. It dramatically affects the speed of how your skin repairs damage. Meanwhile, extrinsic aging is caused by environmental factors such as air pollution, sun exposure, and poor skin habits.

Aging is an inevitable process that afflicts the skin. It is characterized by loss of elasticity, thinness, flattening of the dermal-epidermal junction, atrophy of the extracellular matrix, and Reactive Oxygen Species.


  • Oxidative Stress

The most significant reason for premature skin aging is the lack of oxygen your skin is receiving. When your skin experiences an imbalance of reactive oxygen species to antioxidants, your skin experiences decreased collagen production, which causes aging.


Methylene Blue halts Oxidative Stress

Aside from these, using Methylene Blue is known to provide significant benefits to your skin, especially in combating skin aging. This is because Methylene Blue is a mitochondrial-targeting antioxidant with high ROS scavenging efficiency that helps remedy premature skin aging. Methylene Blue also increases the production of collagen, increases dermal thickness as well as the elasticity of your skin, which results in smoother and improved skin texture.


Anti-Aging Skin Benefits of Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue has numerous benefits in helping fight skin aging. One of its notable benefits is that it increases mitochondrial functions and ATP production  These factors help keep the cells in your skin healthy, ultimately fighting skin aging.

Another essential benefit of Methylene Blue is that it enhances cellular lifespan, which increases cell number and reduces markers of aging in skin cells.

Lastly, because of its antioxidant properties and its ability to find free radicals, it can efficiently treat many signs of skin aging. These skin aging signs are wrinkles, skin pigmentations, and reduced wound healing abilities.

Methylene Blue Beats Retinol

A recent study showed how Methylene Blue + Vitamin C provides even more cellular regenerative power, easily beating the well known Retinol.


Methylene Blue applied to Skin Cells Reversed Aging

In the graph below you are witnessing the complete reversal of aging in the skin from an 84 year old.

On the top row is the skin untreated, Those blue dots you see are molecular signs of aging and deterioration.

On the bottom row the skin is treated with Methylene Blue.

Methylene blue reverted the aging status of the 84 year old skin cells to that of the 30 year old.



Methylene Blue boosting Collagen and Elastin by a considerable margin as seen in graph below

Methylene blue also completely protected skin cells from dying and even increased the number of skin cells. If your skin is deteriorating, that is exactly what you want.




Methylene blue also increased the thickness and function of the dermis, the layer just beneath the surface.

This layer is critical for providing nutrients and energy to the surface along with clearing out waste and pathogens, giving your epidermis that glow and smoothness.

Below the thickening of the dermal layer can be seen with MB treated skin


Methylene Blue ALSO increased the hydration of the skin, by improving the function of the dermis, again the layer of tissue just beneath the surface of the skin. Methylene Blue seems to work on a fundamental level to enhance skin health.

Collagen is a protein bundle that specifically make up our connective tissues like skin, hair and nails, supporting the structure of these unique tissues.

Methylene blue topically applied to the skin actually stimulates the formation of our own endogenous collagen proteins.

Methylene blue has potent skin regeneration effects.

Fibroblasts are cells that secrete collagen. Methylene blue supports the formation of these fibroblasts in skin, tripling their numbers, meaning we get more skin regeneration. It also helps to heal wounds.



In fact, methylene blue can also regenerate the cells of the skin itself, more than doubling the amount of skin cells derived from 84 year old skin cells.

Methylene blue is a potent antioxidant in the skin. In fact, it even outperforms some of our endogenous antioxidants in that regard. This oxidation is a primary driver behind all aging and degeneration, but especially in the skin where it breaks down the tissue over time.

Methylene blue protects against skin cells against potential damage and aging from the UV-B rays of the sun, through this same mechanism.

Methylene blue fundamentally improves our energy production. Essentially, our energy system is a lot like a wire, it is simply moving charges that originate from food. Methylene blue helps your “wire” efficiently and smoothly flow energy.

Methylene blue actually increases lifespan in animals. Thus, its anti-aging effects are quite apparent, especially in the skin.

Methylene blue increases the lifespan of cells.

Cells go through a period called senescence where they stop dividing and essentially wither away. Methylene blue prevents this.

This is critical to keeping all tissues regenerating and healthy, especially in the skin.


So in summary, Methylene Blue:

  • REVERSES aging in 80+ year old cells, returns them to a state of a 30 year old
  • PREVENTS skin cell death
  • INCREASES skin cell numbers
  • INCREASES the functioning and thickness of the dermis layer
  • STIMULATES the production of collagen
  • PROTECTS the collagen producing cells from death
  • PROMOTES wound healing
  • PROTECTS against UV damage to skin cells
  • EXTENDS lifespan in animals
  • BOLSTERS mitochondrial function
  • PREVENTS the natural decay of cells

What more could you ask for in a face cream? That is exactly why we developed our mystic tallow balm!

Methylene blue isn’t just a great tool for the skin, either. It has a number of incredible effects for your cognition, performance and systemic metabolism.

You can read more of what we’ve written on methylene blue here!