Blueprint's Ultimate Detox Protocol: Using Niacin (Vitamin B3) and Methylene Blue

Blueprint's Ultimate Detox Protocol: Using Niacin (Vitamin B3) and Methylene Blue

Detoxification is a popular buzzword in the wellness community, and for good reason. Our modern lifestyles expose us to various toxins that can accumulate in our bodies, potentially leading to a range of health issues. While the body has natural detoxification pathways, certain supplements can enhance these processes. Today, we're diving into an effective detox protocol I've used many times & found incredible benefits doing, featuring two powerful substances: Niacin (Vitamin B3) and Methylene Blue.

What is Niacin (Vitamin B3)?

Niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in energy production, DNA repair, and the metabolism of fats and sugars. It is known for its ability to cause a "flush," a temporary reddening and warming of the skin, which is actually a sign of increased blood flow and detoxification.

Benefits of Niacin for Detoxification

  1. Enhanced Blood Flow: The niacin flush increases circulation, helping to carry toxins from tissues to the liver for processing and elimination.
  2. Lipid Metabolism: Niacin helps break down fats, which can store toxins, thereby aiding in their removal.
  3. Boosted Energy Production: By enhancing mitochondrial function, niacin supports the energy levels needed for detoxification processes.

What is Methylene Blue?

Methylene Blue is a compound with a long history of medical use, primarily known for its role in treating methemoglobinemia, a condition where hemoglobin is unable to release oxygen effectively. In recent years, it has gained attention for its potential cognitive and mitochondrial benefits.

Benefits of Methylene Blue for Detoxification

  1. Antioxidant Properties: Methylene Blue can help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress and supporting overall cellular health.
  2. Enhanced Mitochondrial Function: It supports the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell, enhancing energy production necessary for effective detoxification.
  3. Neuroprotective Effects: Methylene Blue can cross the blood-brain barrier, offering protection and support for brain detoxification processes.

Blueprint Detox Protocol Step 1: Preferably Exercise Before Your Sauna Session

Exercise affects what is called the “lymphatic system”. So before talking directly about exercise I’ll take a detour and consider the topic of the lymphatic system.

Many people have heard about that lymphatic system but few know about its actual purpose.

The lymphatic system plays a role in the circulatory system of your body, your immune system, metabolism, and also detoxification. One of the primary components of the lymphatic system is the lymphatic fluid, which helps carry immune cells throughout the body.

Waste products from cells are in part removed by the lymphatic system. This happens after the circulatory blood system has delivered nutrients and other compounds to the cells through the tiniest of blood vessels: capillaries.

And although the topic isn’t completely understood scientifically yet, exercise does seem to improve the lymphatic system’s overall efficiency.

Slow cardio exercise, for instance, increases the flow in the lymphatic system by 2-3-fold compared to if you’re idle. The reason exercise, or just plain movement, is so important for the lymphatic system is because the system doesn’t have a pump like the heart for your blood circulation system.

The solution? When your infrared sauna is warming up, perform 20-30 minutes of exercise or movement, even slow cardio already improves lymphatic function massively so doing something is more important than reaching perfection.

Of course, if you’re fit, you can push yourself quite hard.

Moving on to the next infrared sauna detox protocol step:

Blueprint's Sauna Detox Protocol Step 2: Eat Well Before Your Session And Hydrate Yourself Adequately

What you eat has a huge effect on different detoxification processes of your body.

Many different detoxification processes, which have complicated scientific names such as “P450 enzymes”, “metalloprotein”, and “NRF2”, are all affected by your dietary choices. These choices then affect detox processes from the organ level to the cellular level.

And even though there’s no one-size-fits-all diet, a wide variety of plant foods is most important for aiding the detoxification processes specifically because they contain dietary fibre. I won’t give any specific dietary recommendations though - the best principle is to ensure you’ve got a good mix of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, whole grains, tubers, and other plant foods in your diet. These foods should preferably be organic.

During your session, when the infrared sauna works its magic, toxins will be released at many different places throughout your body. If you’ve eaten some fibre-rich foods in the last 16 to 24 hours, the body has a better ability to remove different toxins through your digestive system. Not all toxins are thus removed through your sweat, but the digestive system is sometimes even more important as a detoxification pathway.

Removing toxins from your body is essential though. Different types of toxins play a major role in many different lifestyle-based diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, and blood vessel and heart conditions.

Secondly, because toxins are also removed through your sweat, drinking sufficient amounts of water maximizes the detoxification process. During one sauna session, you can lose up to 2% of your body weight in water.

If your body is dehydrated, you’ll sweat less water on a relative basis but decreases the number of minerals excreted. These minerals, such as zinc, are necessary to eliminate toxins such as heavy metals, as they are paired with them during the sweating process.

Next up, moving on to the infrared sauna protocol third step:

Blueprint's Infrared Sauna Protocol Step 3: Supplement With Niacin & Methylene Blue To Increase Detoxification

Let’s take a short detour first:

“Niacin” is another name for vitamin B3. Vitamin B3 has many different functions in the human body, among which, is to increase detoxification by inducing a “flushing response”.

On the internet, the “niacin detox protocol” has become very popular. I don’t recommend using that protocol as it was originally conceived, as it will lead to imbalances in the long run.

However, an important part of that niacin protocol is to slowly build up your niacin uptake over time. I only recommend carrying out this step after consulting with your physician or a qualified clinician though.

For niacin to have its effect, you’ll need to ingest it 20-30 minutes prior to your infrared sauna session. Of course, you can already engage in the aforementioned exercise session I talked about during step 1.

In order to get a “niacin flush”, you’ll need to use immediate-release niacin and not any slower-release version. During your sauna session, you’ll then experience red flushing of the skin, entailing that the niacin flush is working. During this process, the detoxification processes of your body increase.


Another very important element of this protocol is to ensure adequate nutritional uptake. Rather than recommending the supplementation protocol used in the niacin detox protocol, I recommend increasing your intake of foods that are very high in vitamins and minerals, such as organ meats, shellfish, and dark leafy greens.

Lastly, there’s one more step in the sauna protocol for detox - here it is:

Blueprint's Sauna Protocol For Detox Step 4: Use Your Towel And Shower Effectively

Your skin is not an impenetrable barrier but should instead be conceived the way your lungs operate: what goes in and what goes out matters.

So, you already know that your body detoxifies through your skin. What you might not know is that toxins, if they remain on the skin - will be re-absorbed into the body. Many examples exist, such as mercury in skincare products that enter the body through the skin and Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) in tanning lotions.

Once you sweat during a sauna session, these toxins remain on your skin. Using a clean towel to wipe these toxins subsequently reduces their presence on your skin during a sauna session.

But you can do more

Taking a short 1-minute hot shower before your sauna session will increase overall blood flow in the skin. Next, after your sauna session, taking a 1-minute cold shower allows the toxins that weren’t taken up by the towel to be removed from your skin.

Using that routine structurally around your sauna sessions will maximize the benefits of the sauna detox protocol. Now you have four different strategies, all to increase detoxification. And now that I’ve given you the four simple steps to maximize the sauna protocol, let’s conclude:

BONUS POINTS: Toxin Binders 

Once you’ve targeted the difficult toxins that are stored in your fat cells, they are re-circulated into the body, giving your body a chance to either excrete them through sweat or reabsorb them.

But not all toxins are expelled from sweating, and some toxins find their way back into the fat cells that you once rid them from. 

Rather than allow a toxin to sit inside your body and potentially cause health problems, toxin binders get straight to work, detoxifying your body while leaving your healthy gut bacteria in peace.

Activated Charcoal, Chlorella, Silica or Bentonite clay is my personal go-to

Due to the fact that toxin binders can also attach themselves to nutrients in the food you’re eating, it’s recommended that you take one either half an hour before, or one hour after eating. 


Conclusion: Follow The Routine As Advertised


Exercising before you enter the sauna will give you far superior results to exercising after the sauna. The reason for this outcome is that by exercising before you enter the sauna, you’ll aid the mobilization within the lymphatic system. Next up, the infrared light allows you to detox anything in circulation more effectively.

The same is true for taking niacin: if you take niacin too far before a sauna session or after a sauna session, you won’t attain the expected results. Same for showering in the manner which I’ve explained above.

This does not apply to Methylene Blue as the half-life is 5-24 hours, so as long as you dose in the morning/afternoon timing isn't as important

Lastly, the same is true for hydration and your diet. If you’re entering a sauna dehydrated and only rehydrate after your session, sweating will have been impeded. Hence, it’s important to be properly hydrated before you enter the sauna. The same applies to eating sufficient food high in fibres before your session: the body cannot remove toxins through the digestive system if they cannot bind to any fibre, and hence, preferably including some fibre within every meal of your day is highly recommended for the end result.

Niacin and Methylene Blue offer unique and powerful benefits for detoxification. By enhancing blood flow, supporting mitochondrial function, and providing antioxidant protection, these substances can help your body eliminate toxins more effectively. Remember, detoxification is a holistic process that requires a supportive diet, adequate hydration, and overall healthy lifestyle practices. Embrace this protocol as a part of your broader wellness journey, and experience the rejuvenating benefits of a thorough detox.

Methylene Blue Intake:

  • Dosage: Begin with a low dose of 5mg of USP Grade Methylene Blue (What we pride ourselves on having)
  • Timing: Take Methylene Blue in the morning or early afternoon, as it can be stimulating and may interfere with sleep if taken later in the day.
  • Administration: Mix Methylene Blue in water for easier consumption (I personally dose it straight on the tongue). Be aware that it can temporarily discolor the mouth and urine.


Safety and Precautions

  • Consult a Healthcare Provider: Before starting this or any detox protocol, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications.
  • Monitor Reactions: Pay attention to how your body responds. If you experience any adverse effects, such as prolonged flushing or discomfort, adjust the dosage or discontinue use.
  • Quality Matters: Ensure you use high-quality supplements. Look for Niacin and USP Grade Methylene Blue (Non-USP grade contains the exact toxins we are trying to detox in this protocol) from reputable sources to avoid contaminants.


Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement or detox program.